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                              And  (Logical And) 

     FUNCTION:  Logical And of Boolean values


  RESULT TYPE:  Boolean

      REMARKS:  The evaluation of Logical operators is dependent on the
                status of the {B+-} compiler directive.  When active ( {B+} )
                all values are evaluated.

                For example, the statement:  If ((a = b) And (c = d)) Then;
                will check the validity of (a = b) and then check (c = d)
                before evaluating the statement of ((a = b) or (c = d)) to be
                true or false;

                However, if inactive ( {B-} ) then shortcircuit evaluation is
                used. In the above example, if (a = b) is found to be false
                then the entire expression ((a = b) or (c = d)) is evaluated
                as false and (c = d) is never tested.  This can prevent range-
                check errors.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson